Voice over advice

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Posted on: Nov 18, 2011 03:28am


What would you recommend to use for voice overs for capturing the audio? I don’t have any specialty equipment. So equipment/program for best results at low cost (if that exists). Also any advice on how to do it for best sound quality?, to decrease any additional noise.


Posted on: Nov 21, 2011 08:04pm

What would you recommend to use for voice overs for capturing the audio? I don’t have any specialty equipment. So equipment/program for best results at low cost (if that exists). Also any advice on how to do it for best sound quality?, to decrease any additional noise.

Audactiy is a great open-source software where audio recording and editing. The best part it’s free: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/

Personally, I use Adobe Soundbooth/Audition, which are fantastic professional programs for editing audio. It’s not free, but I would say it’s money well spent.

You can remove background noise using all three programs.


Posted on: Nov 21, 2011 08:19pm


if you are using a mac, the simplest/cheapest setup with the most professional results will be logic express($200) and an apogee interface(the apogee ONE is excellent for the price($250) and has a built in mic that sounds pretty damn good for what it is) you could also invest in a nice condensor mic(rode’s are great). with logic you can import your video file and work out dubs right on top of the video.


Posted on: Nov 21, 2011 08:21pm


Another vote for both Audacity and Soundbooth. Soundbooth is also what we use but Audacity is a great FREE program. I don’t know much about the equipment best for vo work as I usually use others who have their equipment for it. Otherwise I will use our wireless Sennheiser lavalier mics- not the best but pretty good. Even a computer microphone is better (usually) than using your on camera microphone. A big thing to think about is the camera’s ability to manually control the audio levels, unless you use your computer to capture the sound. If you use your camera and it has “AGC” (Auto Gain Control) what it does is boosts your sound (and noise!) when it should be quiet, then has to quiet the sound when you start to talk- not good at all.
Hope that gives you some pointers!

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