
Community Address: Covid-19, Creative Resources & More

The Zooppa Team wants to support you during this difficult time. We've compiled a list of helpful resources for you!

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First and foremost, we would like to thank you for being a part of our community. We wouldn’t be where we are today without you and we want you to know that we value you, your creativity, and your health.

Thank you for being here with us, you rock.

In spite of the concerning times we are experiencing, it is important that we do our best to stay optimistic! The Zooppa team is taking all necessary precautions to stay healthy and slow the spread of Covid-19 while supporting you and the people around us. 

We are extremely fortunate to be in the position where we can all work from the safety of our homes—thanks to the awesome technology we have in this day and age. (Thank you Slack and Asana, what would we do without you?)

We are here to support you.

But we know this is not the case for everyone, including many of those who are close to us. These can be really difficult times for working creatives like many of the members of our community. We want you to know that we support you and want you to succeed not only with us, but with all of you endeavors outside of the Zooppa community as well.

Gif by Ello Artist Kaiq

We want to be your creative resources and sources of security, encouragement, and positivity. We’ve been told by everyone and their mothers to wash our hands often, cough into our elbows, and keep yourself indoors by now. But beyond the standard health and sanitary precautions, there are also steps you can take to protect your work, your career, and more.

We’d like to share some resources that may be helpful to you both now and in the future!

General and Creative Resources

  1. The spread of misinformation on the internet is rampant. Don’t take everything you read online to heart. Make sure to get your information from trusted sources such as the World Health Organization on best practices for health, sanitation, and prevention of the spread of disease.
  2. Check out this community built list. Here you will find resources for freelance and working creatives such as yourself compiled by creatives such as yourself. Listed are legal, financial (grants, relief, opportunities, etc), and creative resources.
  3. Creative Capital is a great creative resource too. You’ll find even more financial, legal, and creative resources here as well!
  4. Another great list of resources compiled by the team at booooooom. Boom.
  5. The Creator Fund, established by Convert Kit and partners, is providing financial assistance to active creators who are experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19. If you have medical, childcare, housing, or grocery needs as a creative, you are eligible to apply. Make sure you have your receipts or invoices ready.
  6. Passing the time by working on a project you’ve been putting off? Finishing up a project at home right now? Check out our Creative Resources page for discounts for Zooppa members, inspiration, and other resources curated just for you.
  7. Did you have an event, an exhibition, a screening, etc. that was cancelled due to social distancing measures? Or did you have one planned that is upcoming? Don’t let your hard work get swept under the rug. Share it through the Social Distancing Festival!
  8. We think self-isolation time is the best time to learn new skills. Unity is offering free premium memberships for three months during these difficult times. Now’s your chance to fine tune or develop your 3D skills!
  9. For the Month of April, Nikon will be offering free online courses… What a better time than now to get your photography skills in focus?!

We’ll be updating this list periodically with more resources… Got something you want to share? Share it with us!

Illustration by Talenthouse Artist Miss Chatz

We urge you to put your health and safety first

Working as an independent or freelance creative can be challenging no matter what. We urge each and every one of our community members to put their health and wellness and the safety of themselves and others first. We are dedicated to you and will do our best to support our community. 

There are still so many great things waiting for us this year and we can’t wait to share them with you! Thank you for being here with us. We love you.

Looking Forward,

Zooppa Community Team

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